UMP's Fan Box (Facebook)

Sunday, February 8, 2009 | Charity Poker Events Jan 20 - 27

I'm trying to get the e-mail announcements on the blog too - and catching up on a few entries. With the new calendar format, and a bunch of new changes with the new year, I've been neglecting the blog! Be sure to check back for a bunch of new and exciting things!

Hi Michigan Poker Fans -

The format has been getting a little out of hand with all the tournaments on the site. We're trying out a new format - check it out & share our info with a friend: Forward to a Friend

UMichiganPoker llc is always working to get more and more tournaments from all over Michigan on the web site. Take a look and see if we’ve got a listing close to you. Do you know of a tournament that is not on the list? Reply to this e-mail with the information and UMP will contact the tourney director to get the games listed!

Tuesday Online Tournament hosted by Nik's Poker Palace and Nik's Poker Palace are thrilled to announce a merger! Check out the press release on! They have partnered to combine their Tuesday Night Online Tourneys on Poker Stars. The tourneys will start at 8PM with the same $5 + $0.50 buy-in.

Wednesday Online Tournament hosted by and have partnered up to bring you a great forum, plus an exciting weekly tournament! The tourneys will start at 8PM with the same $5 + $0.50 buy-in.

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